How to grate chocolate with a potato peeler

How to grate chocolate with a potato peeler


Potato peelers aren’t just for peeling potatoes you know. You can grate chocolate with them too. Whether it’s small chunks or long curls, use your potato peeler to grate chocolate using this simple and easy method.

Watch our nifty food hack video to see how you can try this simple method at home. All you’ll need is your favourite bar of chocolate (dark chocolate works best, but you could try milk or white instead), a potato peeler and something to grate your chocolate on to – be it ice cream, hot chocolate, cupcakes, biscuits, cake – you name it!

There’s no need to go out of your way to buy a mini grater from the shop when you can use the potato peeler sitting in your cupboard. Make sure it’s nice and clean before you use it.

Once you’ve got everything ready, it’s time to get grating.

Press your potato peeler firmly onto your bar of chocolate and slide downwards or away from you. Make sure you don’t press too hard otherwise you’ll break the chocolate.

Watch as the grated chocolate snows down onto your ready-and-waiting ice cream. Mmm…

Your dessert is now ready to be served and eaten in 10 seconds flat.

This hack is so simple you could even get the kids to help you out giving it a go. Just make sure you supervise as some potato peelers can be surprisingly sharp.


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