How to make milk and cookies ice cubes

How to make milk and cookies ice cubes


If your little one is a fan of milk and cookies, they’re going to love these sweet milk ice cubes. Made with crushed Oreos and a dash of milk, these ice cubes are perfect popped into your child’s favourite milkshake to keep it cool, without diluting it.

What we love most about these ice cubes is as they melt, pieces of Oreo cookies will disperse into your milkshake, giving it a chocolate biscuity flavour and adding texture. It will make a milkshake a dessert in itself!

All you have to do is crush a few Oreos in a bowl or sandwich bag, depending on how many ice cubes you want to make – you’ll need enough to put a large pinch of crushed biscuits in each ice cube slot.

Sprinkle into your large ice cube tray…

…and top with a dash or two of milk to fill.

Stir with the handle of a teaspoon and pop in the freezer for about 1 hour.

These nifty ice cubes make great mini ice lolly bites too and can be eaten on their own without putting into a drink.

You could even take these ice cubes to the next level and make with flavoured milk instead – try strawberry, chocolate or banana.

Swap Oreos for your child’s favourite biscuit instead – how about Custard creams? Or Bourbons? You could even try making these ice cubes with chocolate bars that have a ‘crunch’ like KitKat or Crunchie bars.

Make these ice cubes extra luxurious by swapping milk for cream instead.


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