Gemelli with anchovies

Gemelli with anchovies

Pasta 220 Last Update: Sep 03, 2022 Created: Sep 02, 2022
Gemelli with anchovies
  • Serves: 2 People
  • Prepare Time: 30 mins
  • Cooking Time: 30 Mins
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

I know no self-respecting Italian would let tomato seeds sully a sauce, but I do so very happily, and it’s the gloop inside the halved cherry tomatoes that adds cohesion to the spicy, tangy creaminess.



  1. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Cook the pasta according to packet instructions, but start checking a good 2 minutes before you’re told it should be ready.
  2. Meanwhile, put the oil and anchovies into a heavy-based wok, and cook, stirring over a medium heat for about 1 minute, or until the anchovies have almost dissolved into the oil. Stir in the garlic and chilli flakes, then turn the heat up a little and add the tomatoes, stirring gently for 2 minutes, or until they begin to soften.
  3. Pour in the vermouth, let it bubble up, then stir and push the tomatoes about in the pan for 2 minutes until they have broken down a little in the thickened, reduced sauce. Take the pan off the heat, stir in the mascarpone and, when it’s all melted, stir in the Parmesan and parsley.
  4. Before you drain the pasta, lower in a cup to remove some of the cooking water. Add a tablespoon or so of the cooking water to the pasta sauce; this will help the sauce coat the pasta. Drain the pasta, add it to the sauce and toss well to mix, adding more of the pasta cooking water if needed. Sprinkle with a little parsley and take the Parmesan to the table to serve.

Gemelli with anchovies

  • Serves: 2 People
  • Prepare Time: 30 mins
  • Cooking Time: 30 Mins
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

I know no self-respecting Italian would let tomato seeds sully a sauce, but I do so very happily, and it’s the gloop inside the halved cherry tomatoes that adds cohesion to the spicy, tangy creaminess.



  1. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Cook the pasta according to packet instructions, but start checking a good 2 minutes before you’re told it should be ready.
  2. Meanwhile, put the oil and anchovies into a heavy-based wok, and cook, stirring over a medium heat for about 1 minute, or until the anchovies have almost dissolved into the oil. Stir in the garlic and chilli flakes, then turn the heat up a little and add the tomatoes, stirring gently for 2 minutes, or until they begin to soften.
  3. Pour in the vermouth, let it bubble up, then stir and push the tomatoes about in the pan for 2 minutes until they have broken down a little in the thickened, reduced sauce. Take the pan off the heat, stir in the mascarpone and, when it’s all melted, stir in the Parmesan and parsley.
  4. Before you drain the pasta, lower in a cup to remove some of the cooking water. Add a tablespoon or so of the cooking water to the pasta sauce; this will help the sauce coat the pasta. Drain the pasta, add it to the sauce and toss well to mix, adding more of the pasta cooking water if needed. Sprinkle with a little parsley and take the Parmesan to the table to serve.

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