How to make buttermilk

How to make buttermilk


Follow our simple guide to find out everything you need to know about buttermilk including how to store it once made and what you can make with it too.

Buttermilk is traditionally served as a drink, but it is often used in baking. When combined with baking soda, it reacts to form carbon dioxide which helps cakes, waffles, scones, and bread rise.

Historically, buttermilk was a fermented drink that was made from the liquid leftover from churning butter (hence the name) but now it is usually made using a ‘culture’ which is a type of bacteria; though not enough to be harmful.

You can also use buttermilk to marinate meat in, as the acidity helps make the meat more tender and more flavorsome. This explains why it is a key ingredient in many chicken recipes.

Buttermilk is sometimes hard to find in supermarkets which is why it’s a good skill to have in your repertoire. In this article we cover the following:


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