Saunf Ka Sherbat

Saunf Ka Sherbat

juice 183 Last Update: Jun 21, 2022 Created: Jun 21, 2022
Saunf Ka Sherbat Saunf Ka Sherbat
  • Serves: 2 People
  • Prepare Time: 25 mins
  • Cooking Time: 5 mins
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

If you are someone who enjoys drinking sherbet in the scorching summer heat, here we bring you a super refreshing and healthy summer sherbat recipe.



  1. Heat a deep non-stick pan, add 3 cups water, fennel seeds, green cardamoms, cloves, black peppercorn, and mix. Cook for 15-20 minutes on a medium heat.
  2. Strain the mixture in a non-stick pan, add Sugar Free Green Powder and cook till tr melts. Take the pan off the heat and allow the syrup to cool completely.
  3. To make one portion, Take a glass and add ½ tablespoon fennel syrup, fresh mint leaves, black salt, salt, ½ tsp roasted fennel powder, ice cubes and pour 1 cup water. Mix and serve immediately.

Saunf Ka Sherbat

  • Serves: 2 People
  • Prepare Time: 25 mins
  • Cooking Time: 5 mins
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

If you are someone who enjoys drinking sherbet in the scorching summer heat, here we bring you a super refreshing and healthy summer sherbat recipe.



  1. Heat a deep non-stick pan, add 3 cups water, fennel seeds, green cardamoms, cloves, black peppercorn, and mix. Cook for 15-20 minutes on a medium heat.
  2. Strain the mixture in a non-stick pan, add Sugar Free Green Powder and cook till tr melts. Take the pan off the heat and allow the syrup to cool completely.
  3. To make one portion, Take a glass and add ½ tablespoon fennel syrup, fresh mint leaves, black salt, salt, ½ tsp roasted fennel powder, ice cubes and pour 1 cup water. Mix and serve immediately.

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