Stuffed Bombile

Stuffed Bombile

Fish 140 Last Update: Jun 14, 2023 Created: Jun 21, 2022
Stuffed Bombile Stuffed Bombile
  • Serves: 2 People
  • Prepare Time: 15 mins
  • Cooking Time: 25 mins
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

These Stuffed Bombile recipe is sure to be a hit at a party and impress the crowd in no time.



  1. Clean the bombile then slit and take out the middle bone.
  2. Then marinate with salt and lime juice, keep a side at least one hour.
  3. Take out all the water from Bombile.
  4. Same time make a stuffing with help of above ingredients (coconut, curry leaves, chili, fresh coriander, and ginger, garlic).
  5. Then tap bombile with tissue paper, make it dry then fill the stuffing inside.
  6. Heat the pan, add oil then make mixture of rice flour, semolina and deghi mirch.
  7. Then stuff bombile, coat it with rice flour and semolina mixture then shallow fry.
  8. Serve with mint chutney.

Stuffed Bombile

  • Serves: 2 People
  • Prepare Time: 15 mins
  • Cooking Time: 25 mins
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Medium

These Stuffed Bombile recipe is sure to be a hit at a party and impress the crowd in no time.



  1. Clean the bombile then slit and take out the middle bone.
  2. Then marinate with salt and lime juice, keep a side at least one hour.
  3. Take out all the water from Bombile.
  4. Same time make a stuffing with help of above ingredients (coconut, curry leaves, chili, fresh coriander, and ginger, garlic).
  5. Then tap bombile with tissue paper, make it dry then fill the stuffing inside.
  6. Heat the pan, add oil then make mixture of rice flour, semolina and deghi mirch.
  7. Then stuff bombile, coat it with rice flour and semolina mixture then shallow fry.
  8. Serve with mint chutney.

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